Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dairy Farming

Pakistan has a population of 150.47 million out of which 66% people live in rural areas and 51% depend on agriculture and only 47% are economically involved. This shows that only 36 million people are contributing to the economy of the country. The agricultural component must contribute in the economy of the country. Lack of planning, resources, partial investment, weather conditions, lack of canal water, low rainfall, no judicial use of irrigation water, and over use of fertilizers and pesticides are the causes of low per acre yield. This has made crop production a low profit business. The reason is that 73% of rural population has less than five acre land holding. The inflation and living standard have their own impact. The scenario necessitates to explore other sources of income and employment so that per capital income of the farmer and its contribution in overall economy of the world can be enhanced. The milk is the biggest cash crop. Its annual volume is more than other three cash crops of wheat, cotton and sugarcane. The poultry second biggest industry of the country after textile. It is an important source of supply of cheap meat. The raw material like wood, leather, animal protein, and milk is also supplied by this component, which adds to the exports of the country.
Livestock and Industry
The livestock provides milk, meat, eggs, wood and hides.Like other South Asian countries, the poverty ratio is higher than in rural areas of Pakistan.Inspite of the fact that agriculture sector has registered a good progress; the contribution of livestock in rural economy cannot be ignored.The business of milk is the oldest profession of the farmer. The individual farmer rears animals to meet household needs. The availability of milk per individual is much lower as compared to developed countries.The increase in milk production is very important to fill this gap and meet export targets. The commercial dairy farming is the need of the day. The dairy farming can be divided into;

  • Commercial dairy farming

  • Rearing of high breed animals

  • Milk preservation plants

  • The dairy farming is a profitable business, which has tremendous scope of extention. The following are important features:
  • Very profitable business

  • Big demand of milk in cities

  • Self Employment opportunities

  • The inherited experience in dairy farming

  • Good milk price

  • Regular source of income

  • Government guidance and support

  • Better utilization of local human resources

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